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An Ordinary Fountain Becomes a Fairytale Castle

The central fountain has now blossomed into a majestic castle tower, complete with medieval battlements, watchful gargoyles, and a drawbridge suspended by chains that spans the former fountain pool, now a castle moat.

Transforming dreams into reality yet again: Blue Fox Surfaces Magic

‘Before’ – A charming yet weathered outdoor stone masonry fountain, showing the signs of time and well-loved memories.

‘After’ – Blue Fox Surfaces has worked their enchantment once again, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. What was once a simple fountain has emerged as a whimsical castle, straight out of a fairy tale. This transformation is not just a renovation; it’s pure magic.

The central fountain has now blossomed into a majestic castle tower, complete with medieval battlements, watchful gargoyles, and a drawbridge suspended by chains that spans the former fountain pool, now a castle moat. The fountain water cascading from every corner and through the gargoyle’s mouths is absolutely irresistible.

Get up close and personal with these captivating black gargoyles, their crimson eyes peering out from the castle merlons. Water pours from each of their dragon mouths, adding drama and grandeur to this masterpiece.

Imagine the awe and wonder in the eyes of your guests when they lay their eyes on this breathtaking transformation? The kind of compliments you’ve always dreamed of, from the people who mean the world to you, are just a click away.

Ready to turn your vision into reality? Blue Fox Surfaces is here to make your dreams come true. Visit our website at and let’s transform your space into something truly magical.


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